Initial Release

This is my submission for the Game Jam 2020. The theme for the jam is "Time". I guess my game qualifies by dint of its beat the clock, timed modes, but if you told me it was a tenuous link with the theme, I wouldn't argue the toss with you.
When the jam started, I still had a couple of days of RL programming to do on another job. So that took five days. I was also still trying to complete the last section of the game dev course I working through and I thought I'd better finish that, to stand a better chance of completing this. That was another couple of days gone. For the remaining days of May I worked on this every hour I had, neglected as many RL responsibilites as I could get away with, burned the candle at both ends, melted it in the middle and learned LOADS along the way.
Given that I've only completed and publsihed two other games before, I'm happy enough with how this turned out, but there are some definite shortcomings:
- There is some noticiable lag and stutter as the enemies spawn, particularly as the game starts.
- The camera clipping is pretty bad at times and it's too easy to find yourself looking into a black space beneath the floor, or inside the player's head.
- The AI in the enemies is not really AI at all. It's more like AS, Actual Stupidity.
- If you keep on the move, they're just as likely to run past you as attack you.
- If they collide with each other, they can get caught up in a bunch, and very probably cannot get out of it.
- Likewise if you shoot or punch one up close and kill them, you might find that your feet are stuck in the zombie corpse for a few seconds until it derezzes.
Wish List for Future Versions
- Fix the laggy loading
- Improve the player cam
- More weapons
- Backpack so you can carry more ammo, waepons, what have you
- Smarter enemies
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